« En hommage à Fidel Castro pour ses 90 ans » “Homenaje a Fidel Castro en su 90 cumpleaños” “A Tribute to Fidel Castro on his 90th Birthday”



« En hommage à Fidel Castro pour ses 90 ans »

“Homenaje a Fidel Castro en su 90 cumpleaños”

A Tribute to Fidel Castro on his 90th Birthday”

Forum Social Mondial/Foro Social Mundial/World Social Forum Montréal 2016

Langues/Idiomas : Français, Español, English.

Français : Ce 13 août 2016, Fidel célèbre 90 ans d’une vie qu’il a assumée comme peu d’hommes sur cette planète. Sa stature de champion du développement humain et de la solidarité internationale a fait de Cuba un acteur significatif sur la scène mondiale. Sa longévité en a fait le dirigeant le plus expérimenté de la planète, un combattant infatigable pour toutes ces causes qui ont valeur universelle (pour l’éducation, la santé, la paix, la solidarité, la justice, l’environnement; contre l’hégémonisme, le pillage, le néolibéralisme). Fidel compte assurément parmi les hommes d’exception. Cet anniversaire nous invite à explorer certains aspects de son œuvre et de sa personnalité.

Español: Este 13 de agosto de 2016, Fidel celebra 90 años de una vida que ha asumido como pocos hombres en este planeta. Su postura de paladín del desarrollo humano y de la solidaridad internacional hizo de Cuba un actor importante en la escena mundial. Su longevidad le ha convertido en el líder con más experiencia en el mundo, un luchador incansable por todas las causas que tienen un valor universal (en pro de la educación, la salud, la paz, la solidaridad, la justicia, el medio ambiente; en contra de la hegemonismo, el saqueo, el neoliberalismo). No cabe duda que Fidel cuenta entre los hombres excepcionales. Este aniversario llama a explorar ciertos aspectos de su obra y personalidad. English : This August 13, 2016, Fidel celebrates 90 years of a life that he has assumed as few men on this planet. His stature as champion of human development and international solidarity has made Cuba a significant player on the world stage. His longevity has made him the most experienced leader in the world, a tireless fighter for all the causes that have universal value (education, health services, peace, solidarity, justice, and the environment against hegemony, plunder and neo-liberalism).  Fidel is certainly among the exceptional men. This anniversary calls on us to explore certain aspects of his work and personality.
La Table de concertation de solidarité Québec- Cuba (Round Table Coordinating Committee of Quebec-Cuba Solidarity, Mesa de concertación de solidarité Québec-Cuba)


Claude Morin, Professeur honoraire, Département d’histoire, Université de Montréal

Arnold August, auteur/author/journaliste/periodista, Montréal :

Modératrice: Colette Lavergne, La Table.

Vendredi/Friday/Viernes, 12 Août/August,  9h00 – 11h30

Université du Québec à Montréal – Pavillon SH (Local-2420) 200 rue Sherbrooke O Montréal




Deux activités à Montréal sur Cuba – Forum Social Mondial


Forum Social Mondial 2016 Montreal (Cuba)

Ensemble un monde meilleur est possible
Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba

« Relations actuelles Cuba-États -Unis : Résistance cubaine à la guerre idéologique et politique étasunienne et perspectives sur le blocus»

Cette activité traitera de l’historique des relations entre Cuba et les États-Unis du point de vue cubain. Beaucoup d’attention sera donnée aux plus récentes négociations entre Cuba et les États-unis entamées il y a moins d’un an.­­


Arnold August, auteur et journaliste, Montréal


11 Août 2016  9h00 – 11h30

Cégep du Vieux Montréal (Local 4.82) A
255, rue Ontario E
Montréal, Qc



Table ronde : « En hommage à Fidel Castro pour ses 90 ans , “Homenaje a Fidel Castro en su 90 cumpleaños”, “A Tribute to Fidel Castro on his 90th Birthday”


Ce 13 août 2016, Fidel célèbre 90 ans d’une vie qu’il a assumée comme peu d’hommes sur cette planète. Sa stature de champion du développement humain et de la solidarité internationale a fait de Cuba un acteur significatif sur la scène mondiale. Sa longévité en a fait le dirigeant le plus expérimenté de la planète, un combattant infatigable pour toutes ces causes qui ont valeur universelle (pour l’éducation, la santé, la paix, la solidarité, la justice, l’environnement ; contre l’hégémonisme, le pillage, le néolibéralisme). Fidel compte assurément parmi les hommes d’exception. Cet anniversaire nous invite à explorer certains aspects de son œuvre et de sa personnalité.
Este 13 de agosto de 2016, Fidel celebra 90 años de una vida que ha asumido como pocos hombres en este planeta. Su postura de paladín del desarrollo humano y de la solidaridad internacional hizo de Cuba un actor importante en la escena mundial. Su longevidad le ha convertido en el líder con más experiencia en el mundo, un luchador incansable por todas las causas que tienen un valor universal (en pro de la educación, la salud, la paz, la solidaridad, la justicia, el medio ambiente ; en contra de la hegemonismo, el saqueo, el neoliberalismo). No cabe duda que Fidel cuenta entre los hombres excepcionales. Este aniversario llama a explorar ciertos aspectos de su obra y personalidad.


Claude Morin, Professeur honoraire, Département d’histoire, Université de Montréal
Arnold August, auteur et journaliste, Montréal


Table ronde

12 Août 2016  9h00 – 11h30

Université du Québec à Montréal – Pavillon SH (Local-2420)
200 rue Sherbrooke O
Montréal, Qc, Montréal, Canada



Organisé par la Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba
renseignements : 514-721-4527,



Caracas.— Cuba’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla called on the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (Alba-TCP) to strengthen strategies to confront imperialist intervention and coup plots on the continent.

In his comments, during the Alba-TCP Political Council meeting to discuss common strategies to defend the region, Rodríguez likewise called on social movements to defend progressive governments facing attacks orchestrated by foreign powers, as is the case in Venezuela, which was subjected to an attempt by the Organization of American States (OAS) to justify intervention via the application of the bloc’s Inter-American Charter, as well as Brazil, where a parliamentary coup and media campaign are currently underway against the country’s legitimate President, Dilma Rousseff.

In his remarks, broadcast by teleSUR, the Cuban Foreign Minister emphasized the timeliness of Alba’s mobilization given the escalating right wing offensive taking place across the region.

He stressed that in these circumstances, it is the Alba-TCP Political Council’s responsibility to mobilize popular and political movements, revolutionary and progressive forces, trade unions, campesinos, and intellectuals to confront imperialist intervention, coups, and neo-liberalism.

The Cuban diplomat explained that to do so, regional unity and the gains achieved by the continent in international organizations such as the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) must be consolidated. He stressed:


“Latin America and the Caribbean have changed, we are no longer, nor will we be, the backyard of the United States, we will not allow for the return of the carrot and the stick and I repeat that no one can beguile Cuba, which is still under blockade and whose territory in Guantánamo is still occupied, while attempts are made to isolate Venezuela.”


In this regard, he added that the region is at present threatened by the U.S. government and national oligarchies, who, for lack of popular support, “Again resort to coups to reverse sovereignty over our natural resources, our policies of independence and social development.”

During his speech to the Council, Rodríguez noted that the continent’s history will be defined in the current battle of Venezuela against constant threats, and reaffirmed Cuba’s solidarity and the deep bonds between the two nations. He said:


The history of Latin America and the Caribbean is being decided in this battle, here in Venezuela, we will all defend, whatever the price, the legacy of (Hugo) Chávez and Venezuela will continue to have in Cuba a sister nation ready to share the same fate.”


Saint Kitts and Nevis Senior Foreign Service Officer, Samuel Berridge, also stated his country’s support for the Bolivarian Republic and highlighted the progress made during the past 17 years, thanks to agreements such as Petrocaribe, and the services provided to the peoples through different social missions.

“We are encouraged by the model of social cohesion in Venezuela,” Berridge stated, while expressing support for dialogue initiatives promoted by the national government, accompanied by the support of UNASUR.

“Saint Kitts and Nevis is supportive of the government and people of Venezuela and is committed to ensuring the onset of a new era of economic growth and development in Venezuela. Venezuela is an important member in our hemisphere, the country is of no interest to us weakened and will be of no benefit to Alba or the rest of the hemisphere,” he emphasized.

Meanwhile the Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, condemned the media campaigns against leftist governments in the region, which seek to set the stage for imperialist aggression. She pointed out:


“The peoples do not want to go back to the dark decade of neoliberalism, they do not want to be politically, economically, financially suppressed and subjugated and handed over to the International Monetary Fund.”


According to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, the main topic of discussion at the meeting was the need to create a common strategy for the defense and freedom of our revolutionary processes.

Meanwhile, Ecuador’s Foreign Minister, Guillaume Long, highlighted that the union of the ALBA-TCP countries is necessary to address and counter the effects of the global right in their attacks against the region.

The Minister of the Presidency of Bolivia, Juan Ramón Quintana, also condemned any attack against Venezuelan democracy on behalf of his country.

Source: Granma, June 10, 2016


Michael Walsh conteste la désinformation de Radio-Canada sur Cuba

cuba-eeuu-580x320Photo: CubaDebate

Texte envoyé à l’émission ”MEDIUM LARGE” de la radio de Radio-Canada suite à l’émission portant sur Cuba, diffusée le matin du 9 mars dernier

Par Michael Walsh, Québec, Québec, 9 mars, 2016.

Votre présent reportage sur Cuba ne reflète pas, selon moi, la réalité du pays. Toujours les mêmes clichés, réchauffés et répétés sans cesse depuis des décennies à Radio-Canada. Dictature, totalitarisme, liberté d’expression brimée, communications contrôlées, etc. Votre invitée, Valérie Harvey nous a servie la sauce des soi-disant prisonniers politiques, pourtant tous libérés depuis quelques années. Elle nous a cité Reporters sans Frontières, avec les données de Robert Ménard qui était son directeur général, maintes fois associés à la CIA, et aujourd’hui maire d’extrême droite en France. Il est faux de prétendre que les cubains n’ont pas accès à internet, sans mentionner que leur plus grand obstacle à pouvoir se connecter est dû à l’interdiction pour Cuba de pouvoir bénéficier du passage des câbles optiques passant sous la mer, contrôlés par les É-U, blocus oblige. Que dire de cette affirmation d’André Champagne à l’effet que Castro et Che Guevara auraient demandé à Kroutchev de tirer des missiles sur les É-U ? Foutaises ! Concernant les minorités sexuels, pourquoi donc votre sociologue invitée n’a-t-elle pas mentionné que la défunte épouse et la fille du président Raul Castro ont consacré leur vie à la défense de ces dernières, plutôt que de blâmer cette ”dictature” pour tous les maux ? Cuba n’est pas le paradis, mais très loin d’être un enfer; la majorité des citoyens sont d’accord avec le système qu’ils se sont donnés. Ils n’ont pas besoin de le changer pour un autre, surtout pas par celui que l’on tente de leur imposer par la force depuis plus de cinquante ans. Si les É-U ont fini par les reconnaitre et de vouloir reprendre les relations normales, il faut le voir comme une victoire pour Cuba, après avoir résisté tout ce temps à ce blocus criminel, injuste et inhumain.

Editorial de GRANMA :


Letter to Editor, Globe & Mail Toronto
Obama’s Visit to Cuba

USCubaFlags - CopyObama’s visit to Cuba and Cuba-US relations.

Letter to the Editor, Globe and Mail, Toronto


Arnold August, a Montreal-based Canadian journalist and lecturer, is the author of Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections and, more recently, Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion. Cuba’s neighbours under consideration are the US, Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.

I am writing to you regarding the February 25, 2016 Globe and Mail article by Konrad Yakabuski on Obama’s visit to Cuba and Cuba-US relations.

There are several faulty statements that have to be questioned. I hope that the Globe and Mail has the courage to publish my letter.

Firstly, it seems that the main source of the information provided by the journalist comes from, as he writes, the Madrid-based Cuban Observatory on Human Rights. No other source is mentioned in the article. Thus, I am sure you will agree that it is necessary to inform your readers about this organization. The US National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a CIA-run funding operation to promote regime change in other countries. According to its web site it delivered 100,000$ to Cuban Observatory on Human Rights. http://www.ned.org/region/latin-america-and-caribbean/cuba-2014/

This is an important point seeing that the journalist concludes by re-asserting that “Their [Castro brothers] brutality is well documented.” The entire article is tainted with unfounded pro-US prejudices.

Secondly, Mr. Yakabuski writes that “The Castros have not held on to power for 57 years by taking friendly advice from neighbours on how to transition to democracy.” This also is a questionable statement. The US has far from been a friendly neighbour. In 1898 it high jacked the successful liberation of Cuba from the Spanish colonialists and converted Cuba into a neo-colony of the US. It ruled over Cuba in various ways until 1959 when the “Castros” led the Cuban people to overthrow the US backed Batista dictatorship. Even John F. Kennedy admitted that “Fulgencio Batista murdered 20,000 Cubans in 7 years…” http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=25660 This is hardly an activity carried out by a friendly neighbour.

Thirdly, while the Globe and Mail writer is very harsh, to say the least, about Cuba’s human rights record, he grudgingly writes, by imputing this opinion to supporters of Obama’s visit, that the “United States continues to indefinitely detain and deprive of due process dozens of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay…” In fact, it is far more than that. It is well known to the Canadian and International public opinion that this prison facility is the scene of brutal torture. This is an important reason that I and literally millions of people around the world demand that it be closed.

The debate about Obama’s visit to Cuba is bound to continue. I will be going to Cuba during the visit on March 20-23, 2016 to get a pulse of the situation and feed-back from Cuban colleagues. I will be happy to write an exclusive article for the Globe and Mail on that experience. It may balance the reporting such as that Mr. Yakabuski. In fact, all my work on Cuba has been and is based on this on-the-spot type of investigation. Thus, the Globe and Mail will not need to look to sources very far away such as Madrid, but rather to a Canadian.

Best regards,

Arnold August


February 26, 2016.



Fidel Castro, Feb.14:
To struggle for peace is the most sacred duty of all human beings

Fidel Castro and His Holiness Kirill.

Fidel Castro and His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Photo: CubaDebate

Article by Fidel Castro:

Sadly, almost all religions have been obliged to decry the destructive reality of war and its terrible consequences. They have been obliged to devote their greatest energies to this task. The singular importance of the meeting between Pope Francis and His Holiness Kirill in Havana is that it raised the hopes of the world’s peoples.

Peace has been the golden dream of humanity, and the peoples’ aspiration, at every moment in history. Thousands of nuclear weapons are hanging over humanity’s head. Preventing the most brutal war that could be unleashed has undoubtedly been the fundamental objective of efforts by religious leaders of churches directed by men such as Pope Francis, Pontiff of the Catholic Church, and His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

To struggle for peace is the most sacred duty of all human beings, whatever their religion, country of origin, skin color, advanced or youthful age may be.

Fidel Castro Ruz

February 14, 2016

10:18 pm

SOURCE: Granma

Making Cuba’s Political System Ever More Authentically Democratic

By Arnold August, September 30, 2015

Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada served as Cuba’s permanent representative to the United Nations for nearly 30 years and later served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1992 to 1993. Subsequently, he was President of the National Assembly of People’s Power from 1993 to 2013. He was also a Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba until 2013.

This is what he wrote in his Foreword to the Cuban-Spanish version of my book CUBA AND ITS NEIGHBOURS: DEMOCRACY IN MOTION:

“This book makes a contribution to a necessary discussion about our political system, and as such it is a useful tool that will help to refine this system, making it ever more authentically democratic.”

My analysis of Cuba’s political process, electoral system and own approach to democracy is far from being idealistic and apologetic. On the contrary, it deals with most of the important existing problems as seen by many Cuban academics and researchers. Ricardo Alarcón, who himself has always taken an objective view towards Cuba’s political system, captured one of the most important points of my book in the above-cited quote. For the full text of his Foreword in English, click here:


Please take the time to view this two-part English-language informative and wide-ranging YouTube interview with Alarcón carried out by one of Cuba’s new, young TV journalists, Cristina Escobar. Both parts were filmed in September 2015:



Ricardo Alarcón